The latest scientific studies in the sensory field highlight the importance of neuroscience tools, a new form of exploration applied to the study of markets , which makes possible to monitor the emotions aroused in the consumer by a good, a service as well as a communication or Marketing strategy.
Neuromarketing is the science that allows us to analyze how the “personal experience baggage”, made of emotions, memories, but also prejudices and / or stereotypes, acts as a “social filter” so strong and rooted in us to the point of unconsciously influencing our final decision .
The goal is to predict human behavior in order to be able to measure consumption experience in its entirety with three cutting-edge instruments:

  • Eye-tracking
  • Electroencephalogram
  • Facial expressions recognition software

The power of sight


Excess of information, advertising and visual stimuli in general represent the major problems Companies face in dealing with society and intercepting consumers. This aspect tends to stifle the modern consumer, making his focus one of the precious resources to win for a brand. In order to try to understand what is important from what is not, the consumer adopts unconscious strategies to guide his or her sight. By using EEG and EYE-TRACKING GLASSES, we are scientifically able to measure consumer attitudes to market stimuli and optimize the cognitive load of brands, products / services, packaging and communication.


Excess of information, advertising and visual stimuli in general represent the major problems Companies face in dealing with society and intercepting consumers. This aspect tends to stifle the modern consumer, making his focus one of the precious resources to win for a brand. In order to try to understand what is important from what is not, the consumer adopts unconscious strategies to guide his or her sight. By using EEG and EYE-TRACKING GLASSES, we are scientifically able to measure consumer attitudes to market stimuli and optimize the cognitive load of brands, products / services, packaging and communication.

The power of emotions


Consumer emotions play a key role in the buying process. The ability of a product or service to arouse a positive emotional response has always been one of the marketing goals. Using EEG technology, for example, it is possible to measure the left-right asymmetry of the neo-cortex frontal lobe, a cerebral area related to emotional and positive responses. The greater intensity of positive emotional responses associated with the use of a product entails a better consumer experience and a greater willingness to buy.

The power of facial expressions


Through the EMOTIONAL FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE, it is possible to observe the emotional reactions to stimuli by consumers with the analysis of facial micro-impressions. The analysis can be used to define customer satisfaction in the store or during the actual use of a product or service, effectively eliminating any interference between “user” and “experience”.


Through the EMOTIONAL FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE, it is possible to observe the emotional reactions to stimuli by consumers with the analysis of facial micro-impressions. The analysis can be used to define customer satisfaction in the store or during the actual use of a product or service, effectively eliminating any interference between “user” and “experience”.

The power of the unconscious


Memory, especially the one implied and not aware, has a lot to do with the buying process. Information stored in consumer memory about products, brands, and consumer habits determines speed and automation at the time of purchase. EEG technology innovation allows us to analyze and identify the unconscious processes of mnemonic encoding. This way we can predict which stimuli will be stored and predict the call level.

Are you competitive on the shelf?


Communicating and expanding your product to consumers is an art the corporate marketing department must cultivate. The tools we use allow a careful analysis of packaging, its associated information, and more generally about the entire product communication strategy, to the measurement of the effectiveness of the product layout on the shelf and organization of the store.


Communicating and expanding your product to consumers is an art the corporate marketing department must cultivate. The tools we use allow a careful analysis of packaging, its associated information, and more generally about the entire product communication strategy, to the measurement of the effectiveness of the product layout on the shelf and organization of the store.